Extend End-User Device Lifespan


Use Digital Employee Experience (DEX) metrics to enable smarter hardware refresh cycles

Renewing hardware based only on age is a huge expense, for any organization, but delaying renewals solely to reduce expenses, can have negative impact on employee experience and employee productivity.

The solution to this is simple, you need granular data and insights on the device, its performance, and the employee experience, to perform a smarter refresh cycles that extend the lifespan of an end-user device when appropriate.

Benefits of Acumen

  • Intelligently drive refresh cycles with Acumen’s comprehensive data, combining usage, performance, and user experience analytics
  • Consolidate critical device insights, including hardware and software inventory, warranty discovery, and performance analysis
  • Avoid unnecessary expenses by replacing or upgrading devices based on performance insights rather than age alone
  • Evaluate endpoint suitability, environmental impact, and machine performance for informed decision-making
Acumen Endpoint Intelligence

Intelligent insights drive smarter refresh cycles

Understand employee usage and correlate actual user experience to device health and performance, so you can determine whether devices need replacement, upgrade, or no action at all.

Acumen provides comprehensive data and insights that combine key data points from usage and performance  with user experience analytics.

Comprehensive end user device intelligence

Acumen consolidates and calculates critical insights pertaining to the device, hardware and software inventory and warranty data. This information can be correlated with machine performance, application slow-downs, software crashes and other DEX impairing events.

3. Comprehensive End User

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Employee Experience and The Digital Workplace
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