Return to Office Initiatives


Improve return to office decision making

With employees working at both office and remote locations it’s hard to measure productivity, digital experience, and burnout risk.

Many organizations are revisiting their policies on remote working and have shifted to hybrid models and have issued guidance on ‘Return to Office’ initiatives to deliver significant collaboration, cultural and, in some cases, productivity gains that come from in office working.

Benefits of Acumen

  • Measure Return-to-Office policy compliance
  • Discover how workplace policy affects your workforce
  • Compare remote and onsite productivity
  • Review and rightsize office space requirements
  • Make data-driven headcount and resource decisions
  • Get productivity insights for remote teams
Comm and Collab

Obtain insights into remote and in-office work

Gain accurate data on where employees choose to work, understand their work patterns, get insights on productivity and identify digital friction that may impact productivity based on location.

Determine office space requirements

Maximize the value of your real estate investments with insight into office utilization. Acumen provides location based work pattern analytics and captures accurate data of utilization based on where employees get work done.


Correlate location to productivity and work habits

Develop the optimal hybrid work policy for your organization with location-based workplace analytics and DEX data. Make your decisions with accurate and objective data, not self-reporting and anecdotes.

See Our Resources

Case Studies
Acumen – Hybrid Working Employee Experience
Providing an Exceptional Hybrid Working Experience
Providing an Exceptional Hybrid Working Experience
Provide Hybrid-1
Acumen for Hybrid Work